发布人:黄珏     动态浏览次数:10









[3] 日本神奈川大学工学研究所共同研究科研立项,家务机器人环境感知与物体抓取控制,2023.4-2025.325万,在研,主持;

[4] 日本立石科学技術振兴财团, 日本产学合作, 具备视觉环境语音翻译功能的导盲犬机器人开发, 2021-4-2022-3, 13, 结题, 主持;

[5]日本横滨学术教育振兴财团, 日本产学合作, 面向保育支援系统的儿童行为分析及心里状态预测, 2019-4-2020-0-3, 2万元, 结题, 主持;

[6]  日本昭特科学振兴财团, 日本产学合作, 动态环境下可反映物体潜在占有空间的自主移动机器人地图生成, 2019-4-2020-3, 2.5万元, 结题, 主持;


[1]      Z. Zhao, B. Zhang and H. -O. Lim, “Development of a Coanda-drone with Built-in Propellers,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, E107, D(2), pp. 180-190, 2024.

[2]      Reiya Ichigawa, Bin Zhang, Hun-ok Lim, “Research on a Guide Dog Robot for Expressing Visual Environment by Voice,” IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 143, no. 5, pp.1-8, 2022.

[3]      Taichi Hirano, Bin Zhang, Hun-ok Lim, “Development of Easier Understanding Teaching Method for an Educational Assisting Robot,” IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 142, no. 1, pp. 90-99, 2022.

[4]      B. Zhang, N. Tanaka and H. Lim, “Collision Force Suppression System for Human‐Friendly Robot,” IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, vol. 141, no. 9, pp. 1016-1022, 2021.

[5]      B. Zhang, S. Furukawa and H. Lim, “PID Control for 4 Rotor Flying Robot Using Neural Network for Automatic Adjustment of PID Gains,”IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, vol. 141, no. 3, pp. 464-470, 2021.

[6]      B. Zhang, T. Nakamura, and M. Kaneko, “A Framework for Adaptive Motion Control of Autonomous Sociable Guide Robot,” IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol.11, issue 6, pp.786-795, 2016.

[7]      B. Zhang, T. Aoki, K. Matsuura and H. Lim, “Development of an Image Generation System for Expressing Auditory Environment to Hearing-impaired People,” The EAI International Conference on 6G for Future Ubiquitous Connectivity and Wireless Networks, pp.1-7, Oct. 2023.Best Paper Award

[8]      B. Zhang, T. Hirano and H. Lim, “Development of an English Teaching Robot for Japanese Students,” 2021 2022 6th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (ICDSP 2022), pp.1-8, Feb. 2022. Best Presentation Award

[9]      J. Moh, T. Kijima, B. Zhang and H. Lim, “Gesture Recognition and Effective Interaction Based Dining Table Cleaning Robot,” 2019 7th International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications, pp. 72-77, Nov. 2019.Best Poster Paper Award

[10]    B. Zhang, T. Nakamura, R. Ushiogi, T. Nagai, K. Abe, T. Omori, N. Oka and M. Kaneko, “Robust Children Behavior Tracking for Childcare Assisting Robot by Using Multiple Kinect Sensors,” The 8th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR), vol. 9979, pp 640-649, Nov. 2016.Best Student Paper











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